The Board of Directors for the East Haldimand Hospice Inc. (EHH) has a moral, legal and fiduciary responsibility to its members, users, staff and volunteers. The Board governs and oversees the conduct of the affairs of the Corporation, ensures that an effective team is in place to carry out day-to-day activities, accounts for its financial and other resources, and steers the organization to the fulfillment of its mission.
This important work takes individuals who are willing to meet the challenges of growing a new organization and who see pioneering as an exciting and energizing endeavour.
Board Opportunities

Once you have made your intention to apply for a board position known by emailing info@easthaldimandhospice.com you will be invited to meet one on one with two of our Board Members. This will be the time for us to find out about each other. Board work must be mutually beneficial. Once we have had an initial meeting and should we both be interested in moving forward, our Board Chair will request a letter of interest from you. This letter will explain, based on the initial meeting, where you feel you will be most beneficial and provide an overview of your experience. Letters of interest are reviewed, at monthly Board meetings, and successful candidates are informed immediately.
We take our board development very seriously and have worked hard to ensure that new board members have all the tools required for success:
Board Binder; Mission, Vision and Philosophy statements, By-laws, Strategic Priorities, Goals and Objectives; Board Committee Structure and Terms of Reference; Board / Member Self Evaluation.
Board Handbook; Governance policies; End policies; Declaration statements; Commitment to the Mission, Vision and Philosophy; Confidentiality; Conflict of Interest.